Sunday, September 21, 2008

Borscht with Crispy Leek and Creme Fraiche


The seductive quality of deep red cabbage soup is not lost on this woman, especially being partnered with a Russian man! Fall in the northwest brings a bounty of beets, cabbage, apples and dill... which inspired this satisfying soup. Be generous with the creme fraiche, as it compliments the astringency of the cabbage and beets beautifully.

6c water or vegetable stock
(if not using stock, substitute 1 veg. bouiilon cube)
4 cloves garlic
1/4c thinly sliced burdock
1 small beet, grated
2c julienned savoy cabbage
1/2c sliced apple
1 tsp sea salt
fresh dill and arugula for garnish
creme fraiche for garnish
fresh ground black pepper to taste

1 tsbp butter
2c julienned leeks
pinch of salt

Heat your stock/water and, if necessary, dissolve the bouillon cube in the water. Chop your garlic and toss it in when it has come to a boil. Follow closely with the burdock, as it takes a while to soften. Meanwhile. heat the tbsp of butter in a separate frying pan. When hot, toss in the leeks and a pinch of salt, and saute until caramelized. Remove from heat.
Back to the soup - grate the beet and toss it into your soup pot. This should be about 5 minutes after the burdock went in. Toss the savoy cabbage in and let the soup bubble on at medium temperature. Add the apple shortly thereafter and remove from heat after 3-4 minutes.

Chop your desired amount of arugula and add it to the empty soup bowls. Pour the soup in, top each with creme fraiche, dill and caramelized leek. Add fresh ground black pepper and savour!