Sunday, January 7, 2007

sunday asian slaw

I awoke with the meanderings of this salad upon my lips... and with a newly sharpened Global and my sexy sous chef, this dish evolved to fruition swiftly and sweetly. We made the deluxe version, as it was the focus of lunch, but you're welcome to pare it down for your purposes.

serves 4

3c julienned savoy cabbage (the light frilly kind)
1c grated carrot
1/2c rehydrated seaweed - arame, wakame or hijiki
2/3c sliced smoked tofu (a la soynova from salt spring island, if available)
1c julienned kale

3/4c peanut butter
1 1/2 tbsp miso
2 tbsp finely grated ginger (the microplane grater is my new best friend)
1-2 tbsp tamari
1 tbsp dijon mustard (optional)
1 tbsp lime juice
1 tsp sesame oil
1 tbsp maple syrup
some sort of spicy - if ya wanna
warm water to reach desired consistency

avocado slices
cilantro pesto (optional - for time constraints simply garnish with chopped cilantro)
toasted sesame seeds

In a big bowl, combine the cabbage, carrot, seaweed, tofu and kale. In a smaller bowl, stir all the wet ingredients together, adding a little warm water at the end till the sauce is nicely stir-able, but still thick. Taste and adjust - the flavour should travel all the way around your mouth and then some. Also, when making a sauce for raw vegetables, remember to make it punchier than you think, because the flavour will become diluted once it's covering the veggies. Now it's time to WORK IT!! (see photo of sexy sous chef doing just that). Yes, he worked that salad for a good ten or fifteen minutes, encouraging the flavours to permeate the cell walls of those brassicas... I digress. We noshed this salad down over quinoa, in big bowls made by a local potter, with generous dollops of cilantro pesto and slabs of avocado. The sesame seeds add an integral crunch and nuttiness that is positively delightful. Go on now, make it your own.... xo lady k

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