Saturday, May 12, 2007

raw chocolate ganache

Raw Chocolate Ganache (with variations), such as
Raw Chocolate Cupcakes, Chocolate-Liliquoi Parfaits

This is a neighborhood favorite in Kipahulu, Maui. Those blessed with an abundance of avocado trees always go through times where you wonder what to do with all those avos - besides OD’ing on guacamole. This is the answer! Everyone has their own variations, and the cayenne and dot of sesame oil are my personal flourishes that make people wonder what on earth I put in the avo pudding to make it taste so goddamn good. If you’re a full-on raw foodie, sub carob for cocoa, honey for maple, and omit the sesame oil. In this case you can also reduce the amount of honey because carob has a lot more natural sweetness than cocoa. Taste and adjust!

4 ripe avocadoes - if there’s variety, go for a sharwyl or hass, an oilier variety as opposed to the watery kind. it just doesn’t taste nearly as good.
1/2c organic cocoa or carob powder (carob if you’re really raw)
1/4c coconut oil, warmed to liquid consistency
1/2c (or more) canadian grade C maple syrup
1/2 tsp cayenne
pinch of smoked salt
1 dot (no more!) of toasted sesame oil - do this over a spoon, NOT OVER THE FOOD PROCESSOR JUST IN CASE
optional: 1/2 tsp fresh ground cardamom

Process all ingredients in a food processor until smooth. You can serve it as pudding if you want, just straight up, or if you want to make Cupcakes you can make the Ultimate Nut Crust (p. ), press it into cupcake baking trays and pop em in the freezer to set. After an hour, slide a small knife around the edge of the crust to remove them, fill the cupcakes with avo mousse, top with a mint leaf and serve. Or if you want to make Chocolate-Ginger Mousse, start by blending1 tbsp ginger with the coconut oil until well homogenized, pass the liquid through a fine sieve and then add the oil to the chocolate mix. To make Parfaits, place a few spoonfuls of the chocolate pudding in martini glasses, add some liliquoi (passionfruit) goo and if you’re really going all out, you can dollop on some Raw Cashew Cream (p. ). This ganache is also a part of the Raw Mississippi Mud (p. ). The variations are endless, really! This recipe is definently a gift that keeps on giving, especially if you’re a devoted chocolate addict like me.

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